All things come from the quantum field. Everything you want already exists in the quantum field NOW as a vibration. So all things are available NOW.
This story is super trippy in the timing. I meditate every morning. I suddenly had the thought “Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a soft warm Pashmina to wrap around me”. It was just a random thought that source popped into my mind. The next day there was a parcel in the postbox from my mum in Spain. I’m in Australia. It would have taken at least a week for the parcel to arrive. In it was a beautiful soft Pashmina with a note from my mum. "I know you meditate every day and I saw this and thought that it would be lovely to snuggle up in on cold mornings." How cool is that. I’d not spoken to her about it. It was just a random thought I had. and she wrote exactly the words I had thought, in her note to me. We are connected by thought vibration. We always get what we ask for if we have no resistance to it.
Thoughts are vibration/imagination. Consciousness is vibration/imagination.