Illusion It’s not true.
Pop the bubble.
Whatever is feeling stuck in your life is not true. Girl Quirky is stuck in her bubble thinking she needs the pin. But if she changed her focus she would see she can pop her own bubble any time and be free. No need for help from outside. There is no restriction except in your perception. You are free to choose another way. You are free to choose a better feeling thought. How can you see/do things another way and set yourself free?
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Cup of Quirky Love
Fill yourself with love today!
Take time as you move through your day to fill yourself with love. Make your favourite brew and imagine love filling you with each sip. You are the most important person in your world.
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Quirky Love Frequency
Turn on and radiate Love!
Don’t hide your love for others. Turn up the volume and send it out. Let everyone in the world hear it and feel it. Say I love you and be a beacon that shows others it’s safe to speak and show your love. Emit that clear signal each and every day from the centre of your heart. Like a radio playing a tune not caring how it is received. Hold that frequency no matter what.
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Wild Quirky
Claim your wild!
It’s time to get a little wild. It’s time to throw off restraints. The wild of you is calling. Find one thing today that feels a little wild and do it! Then find another... ...and another. Don’t stop!
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Floating Free
You are about to lift off!
The weight has been lifted. Get ready to see the new landscape of your life from a free and higher perspective. New directions are boundless. Where do you WANT to go now you are free?
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Quirky Caribou
Let your Voice be Heard.
It’s time to make noise. It’s time to be heard. Maybe it’s even time to bellow or sing your song out loud. Don’t restrict your voice right now something is calling to be expressed. Sing it, shout it, speak it with love for yourself. Speak it with Love for others. Speak out your desires. And you will feel so good! So good!
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Quirky Lotus
Mud glorius mud!
You are blooming. You are rising up out of the mud. Yay! for the muddy ground that created your glorius blossoming. Timing is everything to the lotus. She never intended to stay in the mud. It was simply the ground that caused her to bloom. The only thing to do now is turn your face to the sun and enjoy this wonderful day.
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Quirky Friends
Time to connect!
Connecting with an open heart and open mind is important right now. Make time to connect with friends that uplift you. Follow impulses to speak to interesting strangers. Listen from Love. You never know where Quirky heart connections will take you.
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Quirky Magic
You are about to lift off!
Magic is about to happen. The universe has gifts to give you. Stay in high vibration. Feel the joy of gifts arriving. Feel the excitement of opening them. Just like Xmas day. Know and trust that it is happening, no matter your current reality. Then watch the magic unfold.
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Quirky Butterfly
Brand new wings!
You have your wings. It’s time to take flight. Embrace your freedom. Fly butterfly! Fly! Let the wind take you anywhere your heart desires. Follow your JOY!
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Quirky Cocoon
Divine timing!
You are no longer a caterpillar but not yet a butterfly. You are transforming. Be patient. Trust, give up any struggle and allow the unfolding. Know that, no matter how long it takes, you will grow your wings. All in divine timing. Expansion is a given.
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Story Tree
Your life story is changing!
Everyone has their own story tree. Here at your tree something is falling away while something new and exciting is shooting forth. Celebrate! Your story tree is growing deeper roots and reaching it’s way up into the sky.
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Quirky Playground
Play! Play! Play!
Someone, somewhere told you to “Get Serious”... to “Grow Up!” And you did, because you thought they were right. But Girl Quirky is here to say “No!” “Play is where your connection lies”. It’s time to reconnect with your playful, messy, childlike, life force energy. It’s time to do what feels exciting with no apologies. Play every day! Now’s your time to get play FULL!
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Big for your Boots
Take up Space!
“Big for your Boots” Quirky is here to say “please don’t shrink!” Be as big as you can be in the world. Be big, step by beautiful big step! Let yourself shine. The world needs your uniqueness. No apologies necessary! What others think is none of your business. How can you be bigger today?
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Quirky Queen
Soverign of your own life!
You are the queen of your life and ONLY YOU know what is best for YOU. Trust yourself and your impulses. Follow and say yes! to your feel good instincts. Magic will unfold all around you.
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Quirky Love
Love is everywhere!
Let Love flow in. Notice the acts of love towards you from the outside world. Actions, words, the simplest gestures and let the love in. Love can come and be shown in many ways, often different to our own. Take time to expand it in your body. Where in your body do you feel it? Imagine opening up to it a little more, then a little more and soon you’ll be full to overflowing.
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Quirky Eve
True Self
You are moving closer to being your true naked self. You are moving closer to showing all that you are, without a care in the world. Trust is growing and Quirky Eve says yay! Keep going. Keep being courageously and gorgeously you. Keep revealing more of the true you and amazing things will happen. Be annoyingly you, outrageously, wondrously you. The world needs that!
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Aviator of the Heart
Love in the slipstream.
Love is coming at you thick and fast. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Keep your senses wide open because it’s ready to pick you up in it’s slip stream and take you along for the ride. Are you willing to be open to limitless love. The Quirky Aviator says “let go and enjoy the ride”. She’s travelled this way and will be beside you on this ride.
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Dead Quirky
It’s time for something to end. It’s time to make space for something even better to begin. Celebrate this ending in a colour FULL way. Happily release the old. Allow the excitement for the new around the corner. There is no Death only new ways of being.
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Free Falling
Everything is working out. There is nothing you need to do. It’s time to let go. Trust that ALL IS WELL. Fall into that a little more and then a little more right now. Relax, chill out, Be Lazy.
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Quirky Guru
The presence within.
Within you and all around you is a presence that loves you unconditionally. A presence that loves you without judgement. A presence that sounds a drum to say NOTHING you do is ever wrong. Just take a moment to feel that. This presence is quietly supporting you in everything you do. Whatever you desire is available to you. Just ask and then let go.
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Quirky Wholeness
yin yang!
Your true nature is wholeness. Your true nature is balance. Your true nature is total well being. Your true nature is limitless abundance. Your true nature is JOY! This card is here to remind you now.
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SnooZZe Quirky
Rest, Restore, Refill!
Rest, sleep, rest. No matter what is going on in your life it’s time for you to rest. Can you give yourself that gift? Let go of all that “needs” to be “done” because rest is not lazy! It’s one of the most important “doings” of all. Listen to your body, relax and let all that felt full empty out. When you awake refreshed you can begin again with new eyes open.
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Frozen Quirky
The thaw is here!
What felt frozen and immoveable is thawing now. Spring is coming with new possibilities emerging. Relax, chill, have patience and trust that everything is happening with perfect divine timing.
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Anxious Brave
Through the Fear and Beyond
Whatever you fear right now know that you have got this! Know that your fear is guiding you to LOVE more. Turn to face it. Love your fear! Love yourself for facing your fear. Love yourself for your fear of the fear. Anxious Brave is here to let you know you are always supported. You will find your wisdom and your way forward no matter how it feels right now. Just keep loving every part of you More and More and More.
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Quirky Pirate
Break the Rules!
Time to break your own rules of who you think and say you are. Do something you would never do today and tomorrow and the next day! Allow yourself to follow exciting, feel good impulses. Set yourself free on the wide open seas of your life and be open to surprises around the next headland.
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Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder!
Don’t make yourself wrong — for anything! Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions towards yourself and gently shift them to be more and more loving each day. You are beautiful. You are Divine. Love what you see. And AGAIN, Love what you see. Truly behold yourself with love. You are perfect just as you are. You ARE perfect just as you are!
Foxy Lady
By day and by Night.
It’s time to release your foxy lady within. It’s time to stop hiding. It’s time to claim your foxy and bring her out into the world. No going to ground. No hiding in your lair. It’s time to stand in your heart. Its time to do what fills you with joy and ignore the barks and growls of any other.
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Quirky Devil
The trickster at play.
Don’t believe all that you think right now. The trickster is at play. Whispering in your ear of things gone wrong. Whispering words of what’s not right. Whispering words to make your thoughts turn dark. See if you can catch them and laugh. Aha!! Love yourself and let them go by without re-action. Tell yourself “I don’t need to do anything with that thought, image or emotion. The Quirky Devil is trying to keep you safe but without re-action she has no job.
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Quirky Love Bomber
Explode with Love!
Whether it be for yourself or others make “love bombing your practice”. Randomly love in different and creative ways each day. Love bomb in the most unusual places. Love bomb those that annoy you and those you care for. And watch carefully what unfolds within and without.
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Cloud Foot
New seeds being sown!
Close your eyes, imagine “Dandy” “Lion” seeds floating on the wind. Know that you are growing new potentials and possibilities right now. You may not be able to see them yet but Get Ready! Growing in the soil of your life, something new is about to unfold! Keep your focus and excitement on what you desire.
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Creative Quirky
Time To Give Birth!
Your creation centre is alive with possibilities right now. Ideas are ready to flow. Without hurry, or holding back, pick one idea and move it from impulse to reality. Have fun moving the creative energy through you. Enjoy each NOW, each moment, each impulse, the steps of it’s becoming. Focus on the fun of it for you. Everything else will unfold naturally.
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Layer upon Layer!
Layers of a past “YOU” are peeling away as you move towards revealing more and more of your true, beautiful and limitless self. Let them go with love and blessings. Be gentle on you and focus on the future becoming.
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Quirky Gardener
Mary mary quite contrary!
It’s time to tend to the things in your life that you really want to grow. It’s time to put other so called “real life” things, “important” things aside. Even if you feel like a contrary Mary, to yourself or others, your dreams are important. They are asking for your love and attention now. Say NO to anything that doesn’t excite you right now. Choose your dreams.
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Mademoiselle Escargot
Slow, Slow, Slower!
It’s as simple as that! Slow down. Go slower! Now even slower. You have been going so fast you have lost your SELF in the whirlwind. Mademoiselle Escargot is here to say please slow down. She gives you permission if that is necessary. Slowly, slowly wins the race. Less is more. It’s a quirky promise.
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Quirky Dreamer
Close your eyes... Go Inside!
The monkey mind will lead you astray. Do not beleive much of what it says. Take some time to go inside and connect with the YOU beyond the chatter. Your intuition, your Soul, your spark is waiting to tell you wondrous tales of YOU. Whether in dreams, meditations, visualisations take some time to go within and connect. Let whatever is waiting to be born come through.
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Peaceful Quirky
Relaxed and calm!
A sense of Peace is coming to your life right now. Take some time to really feel it. Feel how it feels with your whole body. Lie down and let it ooze from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Imagine it pouring through every cell. Now you know how it feels you can call on this peaceful ‘state of being’ again.
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Going Up Going Down
Which Direction?
Are your thoughts moving you up or taking you down? Gently watch them, without judgement, as you go about your day. Do they expand or contract you? Can you change one thought to make it more expansive and move just one rung up the ladder? Can you laugh as you see your thoughts take you down. Can you make it a game? Nothing right! Nothing wrong! Just the fun of creating who you are thought by thought, rung by rung, building momentum.
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