A dream came to me one night when I was experiencing a lot of contrast in my life. I'd been asking in my mind for inspiration and what to do. In the dream I was standing out in an open field, the wind was blowing gently and stars were sparkling in the night sky. A perfect summer feeling night but I was looking at a big hill in the distance wondering where to go next (just like my life really). Then a being appeared beside me. I felt totally, amazingly, all over my body, LOVED. Like right now there was nowhere to go but here with this creature. It was kind of see through but at the same time had form, like it was energy. It said to me "Sarah, You are Never Alone, We are Always Here, You are Always Loved, We are Always Helping You." I woke from that dream almost not wanting to be back in human form, the dream had felt so delicious.
The image top left was the sketch I did of the scene. And I went on with life with an added feeling of support.
Later that year I went to a Dr Joe Dispenza Weeklong retreat. There was some talking but mostly it was 5 days of constant meditation. During some of the meditations I felt so much love coming to me and at one point I was startled by a feeling of a loving touch down my face. Something loving me. Afterwards I thought maybe I imagined it. Then in another meditation I felt sooo much love flowing through me and around me I was crying with joy. When we came back from that meditation the whole room was buzzing with love. Everyone was smiling and looking dazed. People who had been withdrawn were spontaneously hugging others. The energy was tangible. Then to my surprise people that were sharing their testimonials of miracle healings began to talk about seeing and feeling giant energy beings in the room. Even though I hadn't "seen" them I was sure now I had felt them. I had felt the LOVE that they have for us flowing through everyone in that room.
It made me think of Anita Moorjani's story of how loved she felt in her NDE.
When I arrived home I was watching youtube and a video popped up of Dr Joe talking about Giant Energy Beings being at workshops helping with healings. He had never mentioned that before in a workshop. I got goosebumps. Then I remembered the Being that had appeared in my dream way before this. I remembered the overwhelming feelings of being loved and adored by something unseen at the workshop. I suddenly felt so supported and loved. I remembered all the times in my life when I have had miracles come out of "thin air". That was when I decided I wanted to create an image to remember that I am always supported. An image that would not allow my rational mind to make it imaginary and minimise it. So I took a photo of me at the beach and drew my WellBeing loving me by turning energy into seaguls flying by. Loving me by giving me things to delight in. Looking at that image each day reminded me that I am always supported. It reminded me that everything we dream comes from a thought, an imagining, a LOVE energy before it becomes form. And this is what the WellBeings do. They bring WellBeing to us, our world and our bodies from the unseen energy world.
They make seeds turn to flowers. They make broken bones heal. They are the magic in our world.
The image top right is the photo I created to re-mind me.
Then I decided I wanted to let others know that they all have this unseen loving energy looking after them. An unsee-able energy looking after everything in our worlds. That was when I started the WellBeing the World photo project. And after that I decided I wanted one to physically hold as a reminder of all the WellBeing that abounds for all of us every moment of every day. That was when my WellBeing dolls were born.
So this is the story of the WellBeings. If I hadn't written it down and turned it into something visceral I could easily let my rational mind sweep these experiences away... but I want to re-mind myself each and every day. I hope it helps you to feel and know that you too are Never Alone, Always Supported and Limitlessly Loved. I hope it re-minds you too!
From my heart to yours
Sarah ox
Another Dream Creation Story.
The Wellbeing Story